16. Hospital visit and Wanessa's care


As consciousness trickled back into his mind, Michael found himself engulfed in a disorienting mist. The sterile scent of antiseptic assaulted his senses, and the rhythmic beeping of machines echoed in the room. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, squinting against the harsh fluorescent lights above. In the corner of the room, a nurse bustled around, her footsteps tapping softly on the linoleum floor. Catching the sight of Michael stirring, she approached with a warm smile.

"Well, look who's decided to join us! How are you feeling, dear?"Nurse asked.

Michael blinked, trying to piece together what had happened. He remembered getting a diploma and getting a bit dizzy, that was all.

"I... I'm not sure. What happened?"Michael asked.

"You had a bit of a tumble. You collapsed not a long time ago. But don't you worry, you're safe and sound now. Just take it easy, alright?"Nurse said

. "Thank you... I think."Michael said.

"No need to thank me, sweetheart. I
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