19. Mistery 10 percent shareholder



The next day John and Clara decided to discuss the share selling again.

"Do you have any specific investors in mind?"John asked.

"Not yet, but I think we should start exploring potential investors and measuring their interest."Clara said. "Agreed. Let's do some research and see what options are out there. This could be a significant turning point for the company."Noah said.

In a bit, he set a selling for 10 percent for a person who would fit their standards. In less than 12 hours they got a letter.

'Dear Mr. and Mrs. John.

I would love to buy 10 percent of the shares, I heard about rough times so I agree to pay more than you asked. I can pay up to 20 thousand for everything."

Waiting for an answer.'

Clara was reading letter and she was surprised. It was way more than they asked. It also did not told them their name.

'Dear Mr. Shareholder,

I would like to know your backround. It does sound good enough.

Mrs. John.'

In less than an hour she got an answer.
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