Chapter 153



A few days later, Ana's grandfather was discharged. Despite Ana's persuasion he still decided to stay in his old house saying it held so much memory he didn't want to let go off.

Ana had no choice but to let him be. For the next few days Ana was so preoccupied with her plans on how to get the president that she had neglected her work until her PA drew her attention to the fact that the stock price was dropping. She had to choice than to let go and get back to building her business. None of these he told Mason, because he wasn't aware of her plans and she did not want him to fund out.

Ana had been feeling increasingly stressed and anxious for the past few days. She had been working long hours and had barely been able to get any rest. As she lay down in bed one night, she closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing thoughts.

Suddenly, Ana felt a strange sensation wash over her. It was as if her body was being pulled into a vortex, and she was losing touch with realit
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