Into The Future I

    "It's whose turn today?"

      His jolting jaw swayed to the rhythm of the syllables. His whiskers were used to the rhythm and did find no big deal about the whole deal. But he could say that his eerie eyes were getting heavier every now and then that he could feel that one or two days, one of them would pop out. He knew that that was some jumpy jokes. He would chuckle over it whenever its rusty rays sweep across the boulevard of his thoughts. At most smiles, his jaw would quake and ache. He didn't mind. That should be the best feeling at that age. He was getting old. He wouldn't keep heading the pack forever. He couldn't help it. If he did try to force it, he might break or crush his will to live. He wouldn't do that. He did have only few years more to live. He could hear the crooning of death from the rear of taunted time. He was making himself ready for the great concert. His part and melody must not be

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