Turning Point VI

     "Sir, you got anything for us?"

     The four were seated. Like they would do. The pattern they were acquainted with. But it was a new location. Quite the great apartment. It was Sea's and her father was around. He was elegant. He was cool. He was what you would call a father. His smile would tell his daughter that all-will-be-well. Dar envied that look. Was their something that she never envied? She had her pattern to viewing things and that was her tie. Sometimes she considered it as a weakness, sometimes as strengths. It didn't matter whatever she was seeing. All that mattered was that they were in his house.

       You can't say much about a real estate agent manager. Probably that was too long a title. Like he should be real estate manager. Whatever he was. He was damn rich. And there is nothing you can't expect from such. When other fathers woul

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