
      She had thought that she would break her back. Not really her back but several other parts of her body. She had thought that twould be a great pain for her. She had been nursing the odds since she had been caught in the claws of the apt atmosphere. She had felt that she would be a pawn of the time. She had felt that she would lose her breath. She had felt like the breath would be bruised and would skedaddle. She wasn't sure what would be and had been supplanted. But she was quite glad that it turned out to be something else. She was quite glad that she could hold on to so many a things. She was glad that she was helped by some generous persons. She wasn't sure who the person was or who twould be. She knew that she would look of course. But she wanted to sieve her options firstly. She wanted to put up with the odds. She wanted to linger in her thoughts. She did feel no need for that, but she

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