
      He wasn't sure of what to do. Whether or not to go to meet them. They were obviously enjoying themselves. He wouldn't want to foil that happiness. He wouldn't want to be a meathead or porous pain in their butts anymore. He could be every other things but those. He didn't want to take illicit chances. The chances of course were lean, and he knew that matter-of-factly. He was just awaiting his patience to play its part, ply its route before he would pass the baton to either his lanky legs or inky instinct. He would make a decision pretty quickly. A part of him wanted to keep standing. A part wanted to join them. A part of him simply wouldn't afford marring their happiness and then would simply go away. He didn't know which demon he was supposed to pay his haughty homage to. But he knew that he was going to succumb to one. He tried as much as possible not to remember what happened between himsel

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