Chapter 76 Embarrassing Hobbies

While the two lovebirds were having a moment, Rulu, Nosuri, and Ougi had arrived at a certain bookstore near the northern end of Shisayama. Many goods that were sold here came from Yamato and Rulu was fascinated by the variety of books that she could now buy.

As the group walked into the bookstore, they could see that the wooden shelves were filled with a wide variety of books. Many were decorated with pressed flowers or hand drawn images made from a variety of colored inks.

This sight was due to how paper was a common resource created in the Empire and its nations. In the history of the Empire, its creation was made and gifted by the emperor as an innovation that replaced the previously used bamboo scrolls that were cumbersome and had little space for writing.

These were still used as a cheaper alternative, but it had no advantage over the invention of paper.

It was over a century ago since its introduction and since then the empire has had a boom in the variety of literature tha
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