The Mysterious Seller

In the auction house, people began to raise their hands and bet on the current item.

Many were interested as the price started from half a million to five billion within ten seconds of being displayed.

It was a normal yet large-looking handgun with the capability to fire Ice Bullets. Surely, it would be common, however, the design, description, and name were too similar to be a coincidence.

Perhaps this was a plot by the Mayor and the Viper's Venom to catch the Red Trackers off guard.

However, to Magi's speculations, even those who sat above were confused.

Dokuji, Michael, and even Ruriko made faces that grimly looked at the weapon.

It was similar to the one Magi was using, and if there was no mistake about it, they were sure that Magi had already changed his magi, speculating that Magi had sold the weapon to Rex.

“That weapon, did someone sell it to you?” Dokuji took the initiative to ask, his voice soft as his eyes remained vigilant.

“Ah. That one? Yes. That weapon was bought
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