World in Chaos

Arash reached a two-story house, opened the door, and hurriedly closed the door behind him with a bang.

((Dirty thief, get out of our house quickly)) Arash suddenly saw his mother, Maryam, standing in front of the house with a baseball bat in her hand and shouting.

((Do not hit mom, it's me. For these events that happened, I left school and came here))

As soon as Maryam saw her son, she quickly went to him and hugged him.

((I was very worried about you. I'm glad you're okay. Are you injured?))

((no, I'm good. how about Sara and dad?))

((As soon as U.L.S happened, I called your father and he said that he will come to your school and pick you up. Now I think he's gone to your sister's school. I will go and tell him that you are at home. lock the door behind you.))

His mother said this and went inside the house.

Arash locked the door behind him and entered the house. Arash went to his room and changed his clothes and came to the living room to turn on the TV and check the news Because no matter how hard he tried, he could not connect to the Internet with his phone.

After a while, he heard a sound and hurried to the front door. There he saw his sister and father.

Her sister was white and shivering. His father, although it was clear that he was afraid, was firm and upward so that his family would not see his fear.

Seeing Arash, his sister ran to him and hugged him ((Oh thank God, I'm glad you are okay))

His father, Darius, took a deep breath of relief when he saw Arash.

Darius came to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

((I hope you did not irrigate the asphalt road on your way back home.))

Arash laughed and said:(( I'm glad you fine too))

The mother of the family was added to the group, and by hugging them and making sure that they were well, she ended this small gathering, by saying, ((Come inside and see what the news says, I will go and call and see how the rest of the relatives are doing.))

Darius and Arash went to the living room to check the news while Sarah went to her room to change her clothes.

Arash and his father sat in front of the TV.

((Breaking News: The news indicates that so far no person or organization has claimed responsibility for the U.L.S.

All governments are in deep shock and so far no one has officially started the incident.

This vast phenomenon that has taken place all over the planet has shocked all the people of the countries, and no one has yet found the main culprit and cause of this phenomenon.

This Noon, in a strange and unexpected event after a forced general election that resulted in a majority of ((yes)) votes, the entire atmosphere of the earth was cracked and disintegrated, and instead, a very dense and blue atmosphere was created.

In the big cities, these events have led to riots aimed at preparing people for what is to happen exactly in another month.

Dear viewers, please do not be fooled by these profiteers, whose goal is nothing but destruction and annihilation.

..... Yes, we just heard that people in most cities of the country have attacked stores and looted them. Dear viewers, I ask you to stay in your homes and ....))

Arash saw that his father turned off the TV and before he could say anything to him, his father interrupted him and said:

((Arash, as I see it, the situation is going to be worse than it is in another month and I'm sure that after 1 month which that timer reaches zero things even get more chaotic...I must go...We must have the necessary food at least until this situation is over. Arash, I'm leaving. Tell your mother that I will be back by the end of the night. Goodbye))

Before Arash could even tell his father that he could help too, he heard the sound of the door closing.

When his mother heard the sound of the door closing, she came to the living room and asked her son about it.

((The father said that the situation was going to get worse, so he went to find food for a few months before the situation in the city deteriorated.))

((Oh, your father always does that, he does things arbitrarily quickly without consulting anyone.)) And she grumbled and went to the kitchen to continue her work.

The morning sun replaced with the darkness of night.

During this period, the situation was getting worse every hour.

Three hours after the ULS incident, the mobile signal disappeared just like internet connection. Only an hour later, the electricity in the cities was cut off.

Arash and his family, who had not yet heard from their father, had gathered in the living room in fear and apprehension.

The situation lasted until midnight. then suddenly a loud knocking echoed in the home.

Arash quickly got up from his seat and approached the door with shaky and a wooden baseball in his hand.

((Who is it? .... Let me tell you that I am armed))

((I am Darius, your father. I lost my keys. Come quickly and open the door))

Arash hurried to the door and after opening the door, he came across his father's bloody face.

((Where have you been so far? Why are you bleeding?))

((Don't worry, it's nothing major. just a scratch, go quickly and tell Sarah and your mother to help us get this inside)) and he pointed behind him.

Arash looked behind his father and saw a minibus full of colorful boxes.

((Where did you find these? How many! Wow!))

His father said arrogantly ((Hey, you understand me, if we needed more than this, I would sort it out, that's enough for 6 months, quickly tell others to help that we don't attract too much attention))

Arash went inside the house and returned with the rest of his family. Sara and her mother become quite upset when they saw Darius' face. but with the comforting words of Darius, they relaxed and everyone quickly emptied the minibus.

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