Chapter 20 : Lesson 2
I stare down at my student that fidgeting among them. They were all didn't know how to answer me and some even looking so clueless.


Thus sigh comes out from my mouth is enough to make them flinch.

At the Meantime, I ask

"what are my two class?"

"Dungeon & Monster and... Moral and ethics, sir."

Devon answer me despite looking slightly frightened. I thus smile and nods, saying.

"right... That are the two of them. So now, the question is, which lesson is obviously shown to you in this time trip?"

"Dungeon & monster!!"

The students shout in unison, breaking me into farther grin and nodding again.

I continued,

"right... The Dungeon & monster subject... The assignment that related to it is this dungeon and... The monster that you guys catch. That report that you guys need to write after this. It's related to that subject. So then... Where is the other subject's lesson, you might think~ing... But truthfully... It's already given to you guys before. "

" eh? "

" what he's talking
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