Chapter 28 : Element
The students disperse, exchanging furtive glances as Damish's lackey shoots us a final glare before ushering Damish to leave. However, Damish remains rooted in place, gazing intently at us, deep in thought.

Liara, still visibly shaken, meets my eyes with a blend of gratitude and uncertainty.

"Thank you, sir," she murmurs, her voice barely audible.

Disregarding Damish, I approach Liara and give her a nod. "Focus on your training. Don't let their petty behavior distract you. You have every right to be here, just like anyone else."

"Yes, sir. Of course."

"If you need assistance with your abilities, feel free to ask."

"Um, sir, can I ask you a few things?"

"What is it?"

"It's about elements. You see, my element is lightning, and my awakening power is a lightning bolt. There are others with the same element, but it seems there's a limitation in using our powers. Why is that?"

It's a question I once had when I first arrived here.

In all honesty, awakening powers in this world diffe
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