Security Council Meeting: The Commander's Address and Questions from Alien Dignitaries

"Stay on backup," Jasper ordered Eliza.

"Yes, sir," she replied.

The two were twenty feet behind Commander Filitt as he entered, but on Jasper's command, Eliza dropped back into the corridor while the major continued to follow the commander into the ceremonial hall. A crowd of extraterrestrial dignitaries who comprised the membership of the station's Security Council stepped forward to shake the commander's hand as he entered. Filitt was the picture of calm military decorum as he looked each of them in the eye—or what passed for it— and firmly shook whatever appendage was proffered.

As the commander made his way to the podium, Jasper and Okto-Bar followed. Gravely, not a hair out of place, Filitt lightly jogged up the steps and stepped behind the podium, taking a moment to look out at the sea of alien faces turned up to him. Okto-Bar stood off to the side, while Jasper took up a position beside and slightly behind the man he was guarding. He busied himself with scanning the crowd, ale
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