The Attack of the Pearls: A Major's Battle for Survival

Jasper's gaze darted from the screen to the crowd and back again. The red warning light was flickering faster now, and the adrenaline was kicking in.

“Eliza? Dammit, I need to know the attackers’ identity! Who is it?”

“I’m sorry, Major, but I cannot read their DNA,” Eliza replied.

“What?” exclaimed Jasper. That simply couldn’t be. The Intruder XB982 was programmed with the DNA of every known sentient life form. Eliza couldn’t possibly—

The far wall of the reception hall exploded. Cries of terror went up as several of the guests were knocked off their feet. Jasper stared, stunned at what he was seeing.

A dozen slender, gray-robed figures suddenly poured into the hall. Beneath their hoods, their blue-eyed, bone-white—pearl-white, Jasper realized—faces were set in expressions of determination. They lifted something that looked like gracefully fashioned glass or ceramic vases, except instead of being carried upright, they were held so the opening faced forward. In their bulbous lower part
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