The Sleeve and the Pit-Ghor: Jasper's Virtual Reality Mission Begins.

Jasper continued at a reasonable pace, regarding the store and the other shops on the street with a casual "oh hey, I'm just looking" amble, then turned left down another street as if looking for more shops.

Sergeant Cooper was waiting for him. Jasper had never met the sergeant, but he decided that if he ever wanted to get into a bar brawl, it wouldn't be with this man. Not so much because he was larger or more muscular, or even that he looked particularly scary, but because there was just something about the way he held himself that promised that such an encounter would end badly.

Cooper eyed the floral shirt with distaste. Jasper found that highly amusing, considering that Cooper, who was also attempting to blend in, wore a floppy, shapeless hat and a bulky necklace that was of obviously cheap craftsmanship.

"Major Jasper," Jasper introduced himself.

"Sergeant Cooper," the man replied, nodding at him. He handed a gun to Jasper, who inspected it while Cooper pulled the cover off a re
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