New Beginnings

The passage of time had healed some of the wounds inflicted by the heretics, but the scars remained, both in the physical destruction of the city and in the emotional trauma of those who had witnessed the battle.

Despite this, life had gone on in Nodnol, as it always does. The Order had vanished from the city, leaving behind a void that was slowly being filled by other factions vying for power.

The city's skyline had changed dramatically in the year since the battle. Tall, imposing structures now loomed over the city, casting long shadows that stretched across the streets below.

The bustling sounds of industry and commerce could be heard everywhere, as the factories churned out their products and the markets overflowed with goods from all over the world.

Despite the changes, some things remained the same. Kline had remained in the city, continuing his training as an ascendant, determined to reach the path of the demigods and transcend his mortal limits.

Eugene had stayed as well, alwa
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