Subjugation [3/3]

The Jing brothers suggested that they rest for two days, this period of time would be used to recover the energy they have expended in the battlefield.

The Jing brothers also passed information about the yellow robe organization to them while they were recovering to their peak state.

The Yellow Robe is stronger compared to the dark heart clan, however their choice of leaders is base on bloodline and not on strength which explained why the leader back them was so easy to kill.

This means that the other members of the organization are actually stronger compared to their leaders.

The ship hovered in the air slowly as they approached the area of the yellow robe organization which was way bigger than the dark heart clan.

Jing Yan and Jing Lee suggested a sneak attack rather than challenging them openly, for that he needed seven of the strongest disciples who can conceal their presence.

Jing Yan was in charge of them since he is the only one among the two of them that has mastered con
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