It was an afternoon when Vincent decided to go outside and get some fresh air. He swiped his card on the thing as he went out. He was saluted by the heroes he met om his way out as he nodded at them. Vincent then went to burst fire from his feet and he started to fly and reach this roof of a building, that’s when he sat at the edge, looking down at the people, vehicles and heroes passing by. Even though he needs to be in his office 24/7, his instincts are telling him that he should go outside to get some fresh air. However, that can’t be the only reason why his instinct tingled. There’s a catch to it, something will happen that maybe his instincts are warning him. He doesn’t really know. He’s just so confused at the moment and he definitely has a lot of things going around his head that he can’t even tolerate anymore. So, this is the weight leaders carry on their backs. The heaviness is almost unbearable. However, when Vincent thinks of giving up,

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