With Theodore’s weakness has been figured out, he has no escape. All Vincent needs to do is to get his timing correctly, as it will be hard to catch up with Theodore if he has lightning speed. Vincent only has superhuman speed, he can’t be a lightning-fast fellow. But he sure will keep with him, not in speed, but he’ll catch him with his incredible reflexes. Vincent might need to go all-out, but not that much since it will be a disaster. He does not want to end up killing someone. He is eating his last stack of grilled cheese when a TV went down from the ceiling. It was a news report. And in the report, the reporter was saying that all social media platforms crashed because of this fight. A lot of people wanted to watch this match. So, in order to watch it without having any troubles, except for a crowded place, people decided to go out to the streets, especially in Empire Square which has a lot of big TV monitors, just to watch this match. The whole world

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