Foiled The Plan

"Bianca? Are you willing to help me? I need you right now." The 32-year-old man pondered something, and he needed Bianca to execute his plan.

Bianca furrowed her brow, not yet understanding her ex-husband's words.

"What do you want me to do?"

William whispered to Bianca, discussing something with her.

After hearing William's plan, the woman was slightly surprised and hesitant. It involved her past. Initially, Bianca wanted to refuse her ex-husband's request. However, she thought about her past mistakes again. Regardless, she had to make amends.


That night, Bianca looked stunning in a black dress that accentuated her beautiful figure. Her face wasn't pale anymore after being carefully made up. She walked towards William, who was waiting for her outside her residence.

"William? How do I look?" Bianca asked about her appearance tonight. The 32-year-old man fell silent for a moment as he gazed at his ex-wife. It seemed like he was slightly captivated by Bianca, as if he was drifting i
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