Chapter 128
"Okay. I'll go now." I said to mother.

"Be careful," she replied as she waved at me. I went from enough and then hid among the trees before changing into city clothes.

I found my eyes in the city and although I was amazed at what it looked like, I felt familiar with it. I breathed in some air and then coughed. What was that?

I turned and saw a car. Smoke was coming out of the other end. I ran away from it and I almost got hit by another one which was passing by.

I ran out of the way and after I did, I saw the car reverse and stop. A door opened and I ran into hiding.

I watched from my hiding spot as a man came out of the car and began to yell. "Tamira," he said.

I watched him give up and return to the car. The car drove away and I came out of where I was hiding.

Was that man going to run me over on purpose? And how crazy can the people here get? Just came out and shouted then returned to his car. Strange.

I strolled around the city, making sure not to forget the road I took to
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