secrets unveiled

As Mark and Astrid set forth on their horse cart towards the next tomb, the atmosphere was tinged with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Mark couldn't help but admire the picturesque scenery around them, but his curiosity was piqued and he couldn't contain his eagerness to learn more about Astrid's mother.

The Queen, and her role in the enigmatic Six Trinity.

"Astrid," Mark began, breaking the silence between them, "I've been thinking about your mother.

Ooz mentioned that she is also a part of the Six Trinity. How is that possible?"

Astrid's eyes shimmered with a mix of pride and melancholy as she opened up about her mother's past.

"My mother, Queen Seraphine, was a powerful and wise ruler. She was beloved by the people, just like my father.

But her destiny was intertwined with the Six Trinity because of her extraordinary connection to the elements."

Mark leaned in, captivated by the revelation. "Connection to the elements? What do you mean?"

"A long time ago, there was a gre
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