Chapter 20

"You are lying!" Felix yelled at Susanne.

Sami only got his senses back when he heard Felix shout and he left for the mansion.

"You wanted to her the truth didn't you? Now you know the truth! So deal with it! You don't know what mess you have put me in now! Get out! Get out and let me be!" Susanne yelled angrily.

Felix left the house to get some fresh air and to think properly about everything when he suddenly bumped into someone.

"Watch where you are going you!... " Felix paused for a moment.

It was Mrs Richie he had bumped into. What were the odds that that would happen?

Mrs Richie tried to get away but Felix held her hand firm and dragged her back. "You ruined my life!" Felix said to Mrs Richie.

"Let go of me. You are making a scene here." Mrs Richie argued.

"Not until you tell me how you got me in the first place," Felix said to Mrs Richie.

"Your mother sold you to me okay?! Now let go! I'm living a new life and you will not ruin it for me." Mrs Richie replied.

Felix let
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