Chapter 253: "Shut it down!"
Gaige Feryuson and his family had safely departed Yawyklim City. Each member settled into their seats while Gaige piloted the minibus. It was a moment of respite, albeit brief, as an unexpected and massive explosion rocked the entire city of Yawyklim.

Gaige slammed the brakes suddenly, causing all his passengers to lurch forward, then quickly settle back in their seats. Everyone peered out the windows, their curiosity piqued by the sudden explosion.

"Hasn't the hunt concluded?" Cain inquired. In response, the others simply shrugged, equally perplexed.

As they were leaving, they had witnessed angels descending from the sky. They assumed it was the angels' responsibility to restore order following the hunt's chaos. They didn't quite comprehend the methods the angels employed.

Gaige mumbled, "Hmm, it's not the angels." He enhanced his vision using his divine abilities to see farther and observe the events unfolding inside the city. Although his vision was somewhat limited, it was enou
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