"General Commander, I received a report that the Solaris Knights successfully annihilate the demonic creatures' nest. General Commander Castella and his knights are now on their way to kill the babies so it will not cause any problems for us later."

"Oh? Look at that. At least he still has another talent aside from irritating me all day."

"General Rovira..."

Charlotte ignores the troubled look on Sir Gabriel's face. Instead, she reads the report documents in her hands and checks the whole details about General Aster's work these past few days. In addition to what Sir Gabriel has said to her, the Solaris Knights also confirm that the demonic creatures in the illegal auction indeed come from the Ferzel Kingdom. It is said that General Aster found several receipts with dates written on them and they can use them as solid evidence to prove their crime later.

It is also stated in the report that General Aster will return together with the Solaris Knights after they exterminate the hatchlin
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