Asking for help

Sam's aunt ran as fast as she could.

The people walking next to her looked at Sam's aunt strangely, as if she were a weirdo, because she didn't stop running until she reached her destination.


There at the church, Sam's aunt was a good friend of her father who took care of the place, and who was in charge of giving the mass ceremonies both during the week and on the weekend.

Sam's aunt, one day, after having attended a seven o'clock mass, was surprisingly invited to have coffee with her father, after he approached her and prevented her from leaving there to take return to your house.

“Miss, good evening, I hope you enjoyed the ceremony, I know we don't know each other very well, but I ask you to please stay and join me for coffee before you leave. I would like to talk with you about a very important topic,” mentioned the church father.

Sam's aunt accepted the invitation only because the man had been kind, the man invited him to come to his house which was located right there in
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