First match

Chief Uvo was covered in a dark cloak, completely covering all of his features, aside from his horn and tail that poked slightly out the hood.

But to any Drakeman, or human for that matter, he looked the same as any other Drakeman, aside from his oddly slightly bigger build, his identity was completely shielded.

As he walked towards a huge towering building, a few miles off of from the rest of the Drakeman city, he came closer to the dim lights that radiated off of the lit torches, and to the Drakeman warrior's who stood guard outside the towers gates.

"If I'm caught, not only will I lose my position as Chief, but I'll most likely be executed..." thought Chief Uvo as he inched closer, concealing himself behind a tree not too far from the gate.

"... But if I'm right, I'd be saving not only Emilia and the King, but the entirety of the Drakeman race that now resides in Wyvern's Pass" thought Uvo as he pulled out his head a little, scanning the area.

There he could clearly see the number
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