Luckage City
Sidney was still in shock, frankly shock was not the right term, he was in fear, immense fear that he hadn't really felt before.

His stomach ached him, and sweat steadily ran down his head. 'Of all the people I could've met, it just had to be thr dragon ba-' thought Sidney before stopping abruptly.

Both The dragon bandit's leader, and all the dragon bandits stopped as they noticed Sidney's abrupt stop.

"Guy?... You okay?" asked Spike in a friendly tone, "wh-what is this?!!" asked Sidney as he couldn't believe his eyes.

In front of him wasn't just any old regular city like he would've thought, no.. In fact it was far from it.

The image being smeared onto his eyes was that of not humans, he saw creatures with Lizard heads, dressed in cloaks, roaming about the streets.

Dwarves, creatures even shorter than dwarves, people with two sets of ears and beautiful faces.

He was standing before an entirely new world, one where both Human and creature interacted.

The sheer sight left Sidney baffle
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