
“What are we doing with this woman, Rudolf? Even up to this moment this woman was completely unconscious. We should have reported the discovery of this woman to the police from the start, for the rest let the police take care of everything. We don't need to interfere to get this far. and now what happened? things have turned out like this, an unimaginable thing, and this is really very worrying.”

“Shut up, Amelia. You have to be quiet for a while, you know that I am a professor who is quite skilled in this field, right? even the world knows me as God's hand that is able to revive people who don't even have the hope of living, our next research is to bring the dead back to life, and with this woman we can prove to the world that we can. We just have to hold on and try a little more.”

"But what if this woman's family is looking for? And what if this woman's family is an influential person in this country? Can you tell by the ring and necklace this girl is wearing? everything that is cha
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