William : Perfect Story of The Heir
William : Perfect Story of The Heir
Author: BadBoy

“Come on, Will.  Are your hands a rubber? You can’t even find where my dog ​​is buried! Hurry up! If you don’t, I will complain to Mom so that you will be punished and not being fed tonight!”

The gray-eyed girl put her hands on her hips, continuing to swear at the man who was currently still busy with the shovel and the sand that had stained his body and clothes.

His jet-black hair was filled with sand, and his fingernails had started to turn black with sand. However, he couldn’t stop. The spoiled girl of his family was sulking so he would want to look for something.

“Wait a minute, Janet. I myself do not know where you buried your dog. You’ve been saying you’ve buried your dog in several places. However, until now I have not found your dog’s corpse anywhere.”

“Stop calling me Janet, Stupid Man! Call me Miss Wiltson! Have you forgotten that you are only a foster child here? If Mom and Dad didn’t want a son and you made you as the bait, surely you would never be here and enjoying all these luxuries. So I guess you should stop acting like you’re part of our family!”

William, the man, could only hold his breath, then he closed his eyes when someone deliberately kicked the sand in front of him until the sand filled his eyes.

William was in pain, he tried to find water but he couldn’t find it anywhere. The tub filled with water was deliberately overturned so that the water supply outside ran out. While the faucet at the end was deliberately damaged so that William would not get help.

“Hah, you’re too kind to this stupid young man, Janet. Look, how much he deserves such treatment. At least his eyes will surely be blind and he will stop acting the most miserable in our family. Because our parents will never believe it.”

“You’re right, Mike. He really doesn’t belong here. Shouldn’t he have left after you were born? However, he was being a parasite in this residence. Did he think he would inherit The Wiltson Family’s wealth? Tch! He wishes!”

William heard that with great anger. But no matter how angry he was, he couldn’t do anything.

The biological children of The Wiltson Family family had done all of this to him too many times. One could even be said that what he experienced was what could be called a habit.

When the parents of The Wiltson Family family found out, they were blind and deaf. Instead of reprimanding their biological children, they were indifferent and sometimes even liked to blame William.

At times, William was confused. Why was he treated differently like this, regardless if he was just an adopted son, indeed. However, didn’t the desire to adopt a child come from The Wiltson Family couple themselves?


Mike spat on William’s face. William, who still had his eyes closed, gasped again.

“Use my precious spit to clean those trashy eyes of yours, Will. Hahaha!”

“I think your spit is not enough, shouldn’t you use your urine as well so he can wash his face right away?”

“Good idea!”

“Hey, you guys! Come on in, Mom and Dad will make an important announcement for you!”

The call succeeded in making Mike, who was about to urinate on William, had to discourage himself. So did Janet.

Both of them turned to a woman with a curt face and fiery red hair.

“What would Mom and Dad have to say? It really spoils our fun.”

“Who knows. It’s just that the candidate for heir to The Wiltson Family family company will be announced soon, along with the announcement of the arranged marriage for The Wiltson Familys heir to the heir of The Amaris Family. You know who The Amaris Family is, right? The second richest family in this country, even in the world. If we can become part of their family, then The Wiltson Familys will become a respected family, our social status will rise greatly. And we will become the most respected family in this country.”

“Is it true?”

“Yes, it is. People said that Miss Amaris is one of the most beautiful women in the country, I’m sure that Mike or Bobby will get a windfall!”

They immediately left, and ignored William who was in need of help.

William was silent for a moment, thinking of what Wilona had just said.

“Hey, Trash! You weren’t invited, so stop hoping that maybe you’re the one that Dad and Mom will choose to be the heir to The Wiltson Family family fortune! You are nothing but trash, don’t expect yourself to become a gemstone here!”


William ignored the screams, he limped towards the kitchen, there he heard the voice of one of The Wiltson Family family’s maids, and he tried to reach the maid.

“Sorry, Sam. Can you get me some water? Sand caught my eye while I was digging Milly’s grave. Can you do that?”

“Do you think I would, Will? You are equal to me in this house, so stop asking me as if you are the master of this house.”

“Listen to me ….”

William’s words stopped again, because his ears caught that Sam had left the kitchen. He returned to groping and he tried to force his eyes to open slightly. When he saw the sink, William quickly washed his face and eyes.

Very painful and sore, indeed. But he couldn’t repay them, his heart ached even he couldn’t do anything about it. William was just trash in The Wiltson Familys, he was just an insignificant person.

William used to be an orphanage kid. Until finally The Wiltson Family couple adopted him as their child. Initially The Wiltson Family couple quite fond of him. Until when William’s adoptive mother was pregnant with a boy, the sweet treatment turned terrible. William was made a servant at The Wiltson Family residence. And only the family name stuck to William’s name without proper treatment.

“Listen, the day after tomorrow The Amaris Family will come to propose. This has become a tradition for them.  Later, the daughter of The Amaris Family family will choose the future husband from the two of you. This is a golden opportunity for The Wiltson Familys, because in the past your grandfather has done a great service for The Amaris Family. That’s why the vow to match the daughter of their family with The Wiltson Familys is done now. And Mom hopes for you, Bobby and Mike, to stop being such an embarrassment. Don’t get drunk at the meeting and don’t show your strange behaviour. Do you understand?”

“Okay, Mom!”

“After all, we have already seen Miss Amaris’ beautiful face. Isabella Amaris, the most beautiful woman in our country, how can we waste this opportunity? Of course we won’t.”

William, who was about to cross to go to the room, overheard the conversation. He was stared at by his adoptive parents.

“And for you, William. At the banquet tonight, you must hide. I do not care about where you are going to hide. Because you are not from our family and we don’t want to bother explaining your existence in front of The Amaris Family.”

“Calm down, Mom. Even if I showed up, wouldn’t that be completely pointless? Just tell them that I’m one of the servants in this family. Isn’t that more than enough?”

“Do you think I’ll just believe your self-righteous words, William? All bad luck accompanies you, and you don’t deserve to be a servant in this residence when the banquet arrives. You are the trash in this house so stop acting like we need you.”

“You selfless one, do I have to spit in your face again to make you realize where you stand, William Robert… Wiltson? Oh my God, even mentioning our family name behind your name is disgusting.”

William gripped his hands together, he wanted to be angry but couldn’t. A plate landed on his temple perfectly, causing William’s forehead to bleed.

“Oops, I’m sorry, Will. I didn’t mean to, I wanted to throw the plate to the useless dog over there, but it hit you instead.” Janet taunted William again.

“Quickly clean up the plate and throw them in the trash behind the house, Will. Don’t let a single splinter hurt my beloved children.”

“Okay, Mom.”

As William picked up the plate with his hand, his index finger was accidentally scratched and bleeding. However, that didn’t mean anything for William, it was his deep hurt that had obscured the pain.

William walked to the back of the house, exited through the gate and threw the broken plate there. While cursing William kept punching the high overhanging walls, he even occasionally kicked a pebble that was in the middle of an empty street.

Until finally, one kick succeeded in hitting a passing luxury sedan. And that was enough to frighten William to the core. Moreover, when the car stopped right in front of him.

A man wearing an expensive suit stepped out, sunglasses perched sweetly on the bridge of his nose. He walked up to William, and William spontaneously bowed to apologize.

“Forgive me, sir. I-“

“Are you Mr William Robert Wiltson?”

“Yes?” asked William stupidly, he immediately looked at the middle-aged man who looked so calm.

“Mr William Robert Wiltson, I mean Mr William Robert Bronson, your late Grandpa has told me to look for you. Now that I have found you, I was assigned to handing over the inheritance that is rightfully yours, as the sole heir of the Bronson Group, the number one company in the world, which is now waiting for you.”


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