
"You just got home, Will?"

Isabella, who had been pacing behind the door all night, immediately asked right when William opened the door.

William's steps staggered, he glanced at Isabella with a rather cynical look. Then he tried to untie the tie that was around his neck.

“Where have you been, Will? Why does your mouth stink of alcohol? You even staggered like this? have you been drinking recently? How can you drink this much?”

Isabella's question was ignored by William, even when Isabella tried to touch William's arm. William quickly released the touch, William walked leaving Isabella alone in the living room, he entered the guest room.

Isabella could only remain silent, she knew when she was wrong. Isabella knew that if she was wrong, Isabella shouldn't have forced William to do something that William didn't like. This was Isabella's fault, even to the point that William was annoyed with her.

“Miss Amaris, don't take it to heart. Now Miss Amaris rest. Isn't Young Master Bronson home
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