205 - I Am Always Nice

“You should go.”

“Yeah. I should.”

Jason didn’t mind Amelia looking at his armband over his shoulder. She seemed to have grown curious after he properly awakened his Magic sphere.

“Is that a big amount?”

“Hm… Yes. It is….”

He retracted his smile when he saw Amelia’s raised eyebrow.

Amelia knew what he was truly interested in was the amount of money he saw in the message.

“Is that a lot?”

Amelia asked the same question again.

“A lot? That is twenty million dollars.”

He tried to emphasise the amount while keeping his voice low. Hanna was in a sound sleep beside them, and he didn’t want to wake her up. Since they camped outside, they used a single tent as their resting place at night.

“Is that a lot?”

Amelia had no change in her expression.

“Sigh. It is a lot.”

Jason wondered if Amelia was truly a princess, or if she was just considering the worth of their currency. Either way, it was obvious she didn’t think much about money.

‘Well… You don’t think about it all.’

Amelia handled the
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