206 - They Stopped

- He did it again! Look at this poor man.

The real-life event that happened in front of Jason’s apartment reached the forum in a matter of minutes. Someone uploaded the footage of Kane shaking in fear, while Jason had a pleasant smile on his face. It only took a few seconds for the footage to become the number one topic on the forum.

This was the first time someone noticed Jason’s bodyguards being armed guards.

- Jason Hope! I am telling you again! This guy is the god of mental trauma.

Another player compiled the footage of all the incidents with Sato, Derek, and Kane together and uploaded it to the forum.

Even though this had nothing to do with The Endless, Jason was an icon who appeared through The Endless, and his influence in the real world came with The Endless.

The news about Jason’s failure in Heaven’s Gate became a secondary topic with the recent development as everyone on Earth started paying attention to the upcoming battle.

- Jason’s first real-life fight! Will he win or
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