Chapter 225: Chu Family

The wine cup flew through the air, the sound reverberated like a sword shrill.

And it flew toward that man

The sound of the wine cup whistles all over the room

Like the sound of a sword being unsheathed and being slashed forward. The wind was teared apart; the speed is like lightning.

Everyone was shocked.

Seeing the wine cup flying through the air is not the shocking part.

Everyone here could do that

But to do it like him…. It is how the wine cup is flying through the air. It is like there is an invisible road in the air that enables it to fly so uniformly and beautiful in the air.

Some people could only see this level. While some adept people could see more. When they see the wine cup flying through the air, what they see in not a wine cup

But a sword. And that sword is slashing forward, the intent is clear and the further away it is from Li Xin, the stronger this intent became

The moment it collides this

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