Agent Jerald's Comeback

Rhianna was disgusted! She's so disgusted. Leo didn't even come here to her room to explain why he lied to her. Rhianna pulled her hair out in extreme annoyance! Rhianna suddenly felt thirsty so she decided to get up from lying down and go to the kitchen to drink some water.

Rhianna left the room. When she came out, the door of Leo's room opened just in time and Leo came out. Their eyes met. Rhianna immediately averted her eyes and headed to the kitchen. She feel like Leo followed her but she just let him. Leo might as well go to the kitchen.

When Rhianna got to the kitchen. She immediately went to the water dispenser to get water. When she finished taking it, Rhianna was about to drink it when Leo suddenly spoke.

"Excuse me, I'll get some water too." he said. Rhianna frowned at what he said.

Rhianna was hurt by what he said, it's like they don't know each other. She sidesteps to give him space to get water. That's the pain she's feeling again. It hurts Rhianna so much that her body f
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