The Sunset

Zenana preferred if Hex acted less formal.She had known lots of men who were polite enough but a bit flirty.Some of them might see it as bravery or manliness.And for some women flirt ,even a bit is lack of teaching or impoliteness.She would adapt to the real fact ,what kind of person to whom she talks to .Being humble,or just using the banality or having a certain aim .She would not tell Hex that Fallady wasn't there at the time and frankly saying it's not a big deal for her and anyway talking with him was quite a pleasure.

Zenana drew the little drawer and took out a pack of cigarettes which had been used half of it ,then

offered him .Hex took one cigarette and had her to give him light .

He stared at the yellow and blue fire at the matches which was a bit blown by the wind of early Fire was attractive view but when she had a glimpse at Hex ' s hairy manly hands she sighed and thought that it was far more attractive than fire .

She quickly turned her attention to anothe
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