Chapter 118

“Turn out all your pockets, then,” said the big man.

Gabriel did as he was told, or at least as well as he could seeing as most of the pockets in his cargo pants weren’t really designed for being turned out.

When the others were satisfied he wasn’t carrying anything, the man tipped his head up to indicate Gabriel should move through the turnstile.

Once through, the first figure motioned for him to stand on a line taped to the floor. She was holding one of the devices from the table in her right hand, a weird thing that looked a little like an electric razor only with a sharp point at the end instead of round blades. Once he was in place she said, “Roll up your sleeve and place your left arm on the table.”

“What?” he asked stupidly.

“Left sleeve. Arm. Table,” she answered, pointing at each thing in turn as she said it.

Gabriel stared at the device in her hands but otherwise did not move. “What are you going to do with that?” he asked.

Hands grabbed him from behind, pulling at his
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