Chapter 7

“Kid, you better check your facts before you go getting hot and bothered. Now I am going back to training. Hope you figure your shit out.” And with that Andrew turned to go back to his training.

Jay tried to stop Andrew from turning his back on him “I said I want to see your foremen not talk with you, you ungrateful pissant! If you ever want work again you will do what I say!”

“Kid, I don’t work here, I live here, I train here. Now piss off,” said Andrew over his shoulder.

Jay Eisen spluttered “You don’t even work here?! What are you some vagrant squatter? You will leave now!” with that threat, Jay tried to pull out a handgun. Unfortunately, Jay was not one skilled in the use of such a tool, and the magazine dropped to the ground. Well, he still had one round, right? Jay pulled the trigger.


When you try to use a gun, the loudest noise in the world is a CLICK with no bang.

Jay’s eyes got big and he scrambled for the magazine, scooping it up and jamming it into the gun.

Raya commented ‘I thought guns were uncommon….’

Andrew replied ‘o they are. Some of the rich families still have a few, and if they served, they may have an old service piece. This moron clearly stole this one from daddy.’

do we need to be nervous about him having it….’

‘No, I think he would be lucky to shoot it at all and even luckier to not shoot his own foot in the process.’ Said Andrew, keeping a sharp eye on jay.

Jay stuck the gun out again and CLICK.

Andrew chuckled and walked over to jay.

“Here let me show you.”

Jay just kept his arm pointed but was simply too confused to realize Andrew had grabbed the gun from him.

“Look here, you have to tab here.”


“and pull here” the slide made a ‘shlick’ sound as it slid into place.

“Check that you actually loaded one, and make sure to click this lever here. Here you go.” With that Andrew placed the gun back in the startled Jay Eisen’s outstretched hand.

 “Now aim over there.”  Said Andrew and he fixed the gun position and pointed a finger at the manager's trailer.

BANG. With the sudden recoil and loud discharge, a startled jay dropped the gun.

“well don’t drop it!,” said Andrew in mock alarm. “At least you got it to fire…. I think you missed the whole building though…” said Andrew bemused. “These things take practice. Here let me take that before you get hurt.” And with that, Andrew swiped the gun back from jay’s hand and disassembled it.

“I… I… you need to get out of here! I will have the police toss you out!” jay said as he wiped out his phone and began dialing.

“Hello, Emergency dispatch? Yes, I am at the Eisen construction site and there is a squatter here I need to be thrown out!”

Andrew just stared at him dumbfounded. Was this guy really this stupid?

Jay hung up with a smug look and turned back to Andrew.

“you bastard, thinking you can take advantage of our workers not being present and just move into our site. You will have a roof over your head tonight! Let you think about it in JAIL!” said jay in triumph. He would make his father proud and get back their site from this street thug.

Andrew was just speechless. Was this kid really that dumb? Raya just chuckled in the background of his mind. “guess we will see what comes of that…” said Andrew to Raya.

As jay waited for the police, he thought the thug’s mannerism was odd. Was he talking to himself just now?

Soon there were sirens heard heading toward the site.

Two police units pulled into the site.  They spotted Jay in his business suit and walked over. “Mr. did you call us?”

“Yes! I am Mr. Jay Eisen of Eisen company! This is our site! This vagrant is squatting on our site! Remove him immediately!” screamed Jay Eisen.

The officers were a bit indignant at the attitude, but they were used to big men of all favors and saw that the man Jay pointed to was clearly covered in dust and sweat. He must be some sort of day laborer.

They approached him with their batons out.

“Sir, Mr. Eisen informs us that you are trespassing on Eisen company land, you will need to leave at this time,” said the first officer.

Raya just kept laughing in the backdrop of Andrew's mind. ‘so how are you going to deal with these men? It's not like you can keep ignoring the world, apparently. Trouble has a way of finding you. So, will it be smashing your way out or will we see your silver tongue finally?’ said Raya.

“Just shut it for now ok?” said Andrew as he turned to the two officers. Whoops. Did he say that part out loud? Oh well.

The officers were taken aback, not expecting a laborer to talk back to them.

“Officer, it would be best in your line of work, to check who is who before you make demands. You will find that Mr. Jay Eisen has no right to this property. He is in fact the one trespassing” Said Andrew firmly but still respectfully.

“Now see here, this is Eisen Company land, you need to leave peacefully, or we will have to force you off!” said the second officer.

Andrew frowned. This was not at all how he wanted to start life in Durres. He was trying to retire from the battlefield and had little tolerance for politics now that he was out of the chain of command.

“Gentlemen, if you will please join me in the office over there I can show you the paperwork that clearly shows that EISEN Group did indeed transfer this to the Fire Dragon Corp. thus this is no longer an Eisen company site,” said Andrew.

The officers both looked at each other, clearly unsure of the situation. Could this day laborer possibly have documentation? What was going on?

In the distance, jay shouted “What is taking so long? Toss his ass out! I have things to do!”

Andrew began to walk to the small mobile office building on-site that would normally be the foreman’s office. The two officers decided it would be best to follow.

As they approached, they each noted the very expensive-looking motorbike parked out front. While they may not know which big shot it belonged to, they both knew that a bike like that was worth a huge fortune. Only someone that was mega-wealthy could own something like that. Perhaps there was a bigshot inside the office!

As Andrew reached for the door, they heard Jay shout again “hey he is not allowed in there! That is our private office space!”

Andrew simply took out a key and unlocked the door in front of the officers.

“if I am not allowed, why do I have a key?”

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