
         Somewhere in California. 


"Is he even home?"

I looked through the car of the window, gently pulling the car over at the front of the bungalow. I stepped out and punched the car locked. Twas the Rolls-Royce he had gone with for a day. He had returned it late yesterday and now I'm paying him a surprise visit at the new apartment. 

I walked towards the door of the building and used an extra key to open the door. It's either I creep on him or he returns home to find me naked in his sitting room. 

Or who knows, he might not even be living here. He might not have moved in. 

"The air feels stuffy."

I muttered softly as I walked into the living room. I didn't see anything yet. Then I moved further towards the large sofa, I began to hear a wierd sound. I moved closer only to find a sleeping Dare. With his chest and face buried in the chair. 

I was tempted to look

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