Chapter XCVIII

A while later, they arrived at the location and took cover leaving only Claire. Such an ambush was the best advantage they had against the Clairvoyant. He had played them long enough. It was time they got to be one-step ahead of him.

On his arrival, before he could even get a chance to leave his vehicle, they began to give him their best. Indeed, he was the true Clairvoyant for bullets did not seem to have much effect on him. He switched to his alien form to deal with them squarely as well. He was one very ugly beast in his alien being and scary to even look at.

As Jonas was busy weakening him with his powers, the rest of the team was busy giving him everything they had. Indeed, they were very ready for the battle. They had gotten every weapon they could get their hands on at the precinct to fight against the beast. He was one tough alien to kill. Were it not for the Chosen, truly, the world was doomed and about to end. All the power he had to challenge Jonas with and

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