Chapter 16

At Herb's hills, people were in a panic; about the thunder sound, they heard from black stones valley.

Even though the people at herbs hills were spiritually powerful, their spiritual power was limited to understanding herbs and using them; to heal people.

There was no single sorcerer at Herb's hills to explain the thunder sound that occurred at black stone valley to them.

The sound became a topic. Some of the residents at Herb's hill thought they were; about to be attacked, again like how the coyote attacked them the other day.

It was not long that Duutloug and his grandson arrived at Herb's hills.

When Duutloung and Pangbe got to Herbs Hills and heard the residents discussing the thunder sound, he proudly told the people that he was dealing with a tiny issue in the black stones valley.

The residents breathed in relief when they heard Duutloung and went back to their businesses.

Meanwhile, In a village located on the northwest side of Nankpiit,
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