A New World Order

The bright light of the sun filtered through the blinds of the window and entered a small hospital ward. The soft hum of the machine resounded throughout the room, leaving a faint echo in the surroundings and a cool breeze entered the room through an open window.

On the only bed inside this ward, the body of a young man lay peacefully in this undisturbed environment.

The time was just past noon and the sun was at its highest during this time of day. But overhead, there was an ominous dark cloud hanging in the noon sky, casting a shade of darkness on the city below it. The air was suppressive and the once-bustling city of Boston was silent, like a ghost town without a single life in it.

Apart from the sound of the wind blowing through the city and the occasional ruckus caused by stray animals in the dark alleys, there was no other sound to be heard throughout the entire city.

Fortunately, there were still signs of human occupation all over the city. There was still a constant supply of electricity as could be seen through the closed doors and windows of the buildings and occasionally one would catch one or multiple pairs of eyes peeking through the closed windows at the streets outside.

Although everywhere was desolate, at least it still looked like the city was not abandoned. Only that its residents were hiding indoors... from what, it was still yet to be known.

In the hospital ward where the young boy was. The ward was neat and tidy, and there was a vase of fresh flowers by the open window. A testament that somebody had been here not very long ago to visit the boy.

The boy laying on the bed in the hospital ward was Constantine, and he had been admitted to this hospital ever since he had fallen into a coma after being struck by lightning.

At this moment, the door to the ward opened up and a nurse wearing a neat white uniform stepped into Constantine's ward with a trolley. There were a bunch of cleaning materials on the trolley meant to use Constantine's body.

This nurse looked very young-looking, no more than twenty-five years old, and it looked like she had just graduated from nursing school. She had recently taken up the job of taking care of Constantine ever since his previous caretaker had mysteriously disappeared a short while ago.

This was not a new occurrence anymore in the city, as people would suddenly vanish every once in a while. Nowadays, with everybody hiding inside their homes, and contact with the outside world being kept at a minimum, nobody would know what happened to their neighbors unless they specifically checked on them.

It had been a year since that fateful day and the whole world had gone crazy!

Mysterious things had been happening on earth since one year ago... unexplainable things and things that did not make sense.

People had started disappearing from their beds in the middle of the night and the mangled bodies of homeless people had turned up on the streets, looking like they had been attacked by a vicious beast.

Reports of monsters and evil red balloon demons became a constant thing, and the police had had a tough time dealing with the ensuing chaos that followed such mysterious incidents. This had gone on for a few months until finally, everything changed when the sky broke and a doorway to another world appeared in front of the whole world. Ever since that day, the world was no longer the same as it was again.

That doorway to another world was a spatial rift that led to a world that could have been hell itself. From that world, a horde of monsters, commonly known as dooms, invaded earth. From that day onwards, the structure of human civilization collapsed and pure chaos swallowed every human.

America, Africa, Europe, Asia... every continent was affected and governments fell. Murder, arson, and vandalism became the norm, and human life became a cheap commodity that could be sold or destroyed.

It was as if the apocalypse had arrived, and humans had welcomed their doomsday!

Fortunately, all was not lost for humanity. With the efforts of a few of the strongest nations on earth, they combined their armed forces together and mobilized them to fight against the invasion of the dooms as well as bring order to earth as a whole.

It had taken the united government of more than two hundred nations five months to finally bring order to the world again and push the dooms back to their own world and bar them from entering the earth.

But that was not the end of it...

As if by some domino effect, countless changes started happening on earth.

The world was invaded by a special kind of energy from the other world that caused a change to the earth's geological, ecological and biological structure. This energy brought about severe mutations to the life forms on earth.

Viruses and bacteria and other pathogens mutated and new diseases and sicknesses appeared on earth, leading to the death of a tenth of earth's total population.

Animals soon followed suit, and they became feral monsters that attacked and destroyed everything they saw. Vegetation and plant life were not spared, and they grew sporadically. All of these changes were almost impossible to contain and for a time, the united government found it much harder to maintain the peace.

Fortunately, again, humans also showed signs of going through mutations. Some of these mutations were malignant and dangerous, turning humans into grotesque monsters that harmed those around them. These monsters had to be put down. But there were also some mutations that were beneficial, causing humans to develop the power to fight against the invasion from the other world.

These mutations granted humans amazing and extraordinary powers and abilities like those superheroes in comics, anime, and manga. With the help of these extraordinary humans, the united government was finally able to restore order to earth once and for all.

Now, a year later and things were not as desperate as they were months ago and the humans had gotten used to the way things were. Although more changes continued to happen on earth, it was not necessarily a bad thing anymore.

These changes led to the rapid advancement of earth's technological standards and new breakthroughs were made in all aspects of science and technology. In a few short months, scientists had made one discovery after another that had eased the situation on earth. The only thing was that unlike before, humans had to give up a few things in order to continue living their current lives and new policies had been implemented to cope with the changes that still constantly took place.

One of these changes is the implementation of a worldwide curfew where every human was told to stay in their homes while having a few hours of the day to come outdoors.

Schools had closed down and, apart from essential facilities like hospitals, power stations, and water and sewage plants, other non-essential facilities had been forced to close.

In the end, humans had to adapt to their new reality and make a new and better civilization from the ashes of their old one that had gone up in flames with the arrival of doomsday.

This was the new world order!

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