Chapter 7: Doris

Although she did not know why the police came to find her, Kent was still very worried. He hurriedly hid the knife under the sofa, then stabilized his emotions, trying to calm down.

Kent said to himself, "I'm not breaking the law, this knife was given to me by the System."

After he calmed down, Kent took a deep breath then headed out the door.

The main door opened, standing at the door were two familiar policemen. These two policemen are David and Andrew, they are also the ones who announced the murder of Ann Reed, after which Kent also had a long time working with them.

That's why David and Andrew are no strangers to Kent.

Although Kent is usually very cooperative to find out the killer who killed Ann Reed, Kent is now a little scared because the knife is in Kent's room.

If the police knew that Kent was holding the knife that was used to cut Ann Reed into pieces, they were afraid that these two policemen, no matter how close Kent were, would immediately pin him to the ground and hit him. gun to his head.

Kent was afraid that would happen so he tried to hide the knife as best he could. He tried to force a smile, but last night, having experienced a life-and-death experience last night, he couldn't force any more smiles.

"What 's up?" Kent asked the two policemen.

It was not the first time David and Andrew had seen Kent in such a tired state. A few days before Ann Reed was murdered, Kent was in a state of fatigue for several days in a row, seemingly tired all the time.

But in fact, at that time, Kent was not really too tired, but because of the nightmares that prevented him from sleeping, he was so tired. Can't sleep for several days in a row without being tired.

But Kent also did not know the thoughts of these two policemen, much less what they were thinking.

David directed Kent to announce: “Kent! Steve is dead.”

“Steve is dead. Wait!” Kent was vaguely worried about the knife so he didn't pay much attention, but then he immediately felt extremely surprised. Kent asked David again: “S-Steve… really dead? When did you die?"

Seeing Kent's appearance, David and Andrew both sighed. Andrew then took out a file and gave it to Kent, and David said, “Steve's body was discovered last night at 21:00. Looking at the death condition, it can be guessed that the killer is the same person."

“At 21:00? Same person?" Hearing the information David said, Kent suddenly felt that the air around him was becoming colder. Why? Because Kent clearly remembers yesterday at 23:30 he even got a phone call from Steve. Steve on the phone urges Kent to run away, the verifier is looking for him.

But at 21:00 Steve's body was discovered, like at 23:30 who called Kent? Who urged Kent to leave the house?

Kent felt confused, but more than scared. That's right, you still don't know who called you at that time, did Steve come back to life and call Kent?

"This!" Seeing Kent dumbfounded, David yelled, startling Kent, he looked at David in bewilderment, then sat down on the ground.

David could only sigh because he knew this was a huge blow to Kent. During the investigation, David also learns that Kent has lost his parents for a long time, now a girlfriend has also been brutally killed. Even the coroner who regularly helps Kent now has been killed.

David frowned, then continued: “Not only Steve was killed, but Ann Reed's body was also stolen. We think that the other serial killer in the process of stealing Ann Reed's body met Steve, the two sides struggled, then Steve was killed by the killer."

David read from the crime scene transcript to Kent. Although David is not the person who directly examines the scene, the file contains all the information, even a photo of the entire scene, every corner is taken, so it doesn't look like David has it. present at the scene.

Before going to Kent's house, David also checked the security camera in Kent's house. Although David and Andrew trust Kent not to do this, trust is trust, responsibility is responsibility. The two of them are policemen, responsible for their assigned duties.

That's why no matter how much David trusts Kent, he still has to check the Security Camera. After checking, David determined that Kent, after returning home at 18:30, did not leave the house. To be more certain, David also checked the security cameras around this area, making sure Kent had a hundred percent alibi, then David and Andrew went to Kent's house.

At this time, Kent could not hear what David said, there were many doubts in Kent's mind, but Kent could not tell David what he was thinking.

Would Kent now say that Ann Reed had just "returned to visit" him last night?

Or at 23:30 Steve called him from the dead to tell Kent to run away?


Kent could only keep quiet, David and Andrew saw this, thought that they were shocked, so it was not convenient to bother them, and then left.

Going outside, Andrew asked David: "Shouldn't we take more of Kent's testimony?"

David sighed and replied: "Look at Kent's current state, you can see it, do you think he will be able to answer if we ask him now?"

Andrew looked back at Kent's room then sighed in agreement with David's opinion. Looking at Kent's broken state, Andrew didn't think it would be useful to ask.

"Let's go home." "We've got security camera footage around here anyway, which is enough for us to prove Kent's innocence," David said.

Andrew followed and nodded.

After the two policemen left, Kent also silently sighed because the other two policemen did not enter the house but just stood outside, so the knife was not revealed.

However, what Kent is more afraid of is who called Kent yesterday after all? Apparently Steve died at 21:00, but at 23:30 that call was clearly Steve, that voice was Steve and no one else.

Kent hurriedly picked up the phone, then sent a text message to the System.

"Who finally called me yesterday?"

System: [Ting! If you want me to answer a question you don't know the answer to, then you need to open up new functionality of the system.]

“New function?”

System: [That's right! To unlock the new function, you need to find out the origin of Ann Reed first.]

“Ann Reed's origins? Hasn't her family already left?"

System: [That's just outside information, where exactly Ann Reed comes from is still a mystery.]

Kent heard the System say that and was surprised, he thought that Ann Reed's identity must be very special or something strange.

Kent thought of a possibility: "Or is it… because of her unique identity that Ann Reed was murdered, and then became a demon?"

Kent had just flashed this idea and then felt it was right again. Otherwise, why would countless strange things happen around him and Ann Reed.


Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting Kent's train of thought, Kent looked at the screen and saw that it was a message from the system.

[Congratulations, you have initially correctly speculated about Ann Reed's identity. The system offers you a quest to give you a better chance of survival.]

"Mission?" Seeing the word "mission", Kent shivered in fear and asked: "This time... is the task difficult? Will it affect my life?”

System: [Master, can you not be so afraid of death? Looking at the main character in the novel, is anyone afraid of death? People are all courageous, courageous people who consider death as light as a feather. And you ask all day if it's safe? Is it dangerous?]

Being scolded like that by the System, Kent immediately blushed, he countered: “Say something? After all, I am not the main character in some novel. I'm just an ordinary person, it's only natural for ordinary people to fear death."

[OH! It's the first time I've seen someone say that it's legitimate to be shy like you. It's embarrassing.]

Kent's face was scolded by the System, and Kent didn't know how to refute it, but the truth was that Kent was very afraid of death.

The main characters in the novel are described by the author that they are not afraid of death, not afraid of anything, but reality is different. How many people stand on the line between life and death and can stay calm? How many people could be in Kent's situation without fear?

This is a fact, not a story, to say that Kent is not afraid would be a lie. Kent is very afraid, but with fear comes the courage to find a chance to live. If Kent was scared of everything, he wouldn't have followed the system's instructions to look for a chance to survive.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Kent is a coward, but it is not wrong to say that he is a brave person.

Kent asked, "So what's the next mission?"

[Ting! Ann Reed's identity is related to her best friend. Find out her friends.]

"Ann Reed's best friend?" Kent frowned thinking about who Ann Reed's best friend was. Since Kent and Ann Reed got to know each other, Ann Reed has had almost no contact with anyone but Kent, so finding Ann Reed's best friend is almost impossible.

Kent sat quietly thinking for a while and couldn't think of what to do now, so where to find Ann Reed's best friend.

While thinking, Kent picked up the file that David had brought up, inside were the files related to Ann Reed's death. In fact, these documents belonged to the document that could not be shown to Kent, but since Kent wanted to know for sure Ann Reed's death and the suspicion that Kent was the culprit had been dismissed, David was able to give it to him this file.

Inside is just information that Kent has personally investigated or information that the police have informed Kent.

“This is…” Kent suddenly noticed a file, this file was about Ann Reed's relationships. Of course, when investigating a murder case, the police must investigate the relationships that Ann Reed has.

"I forgot about this.." Kent lamented, Kent really forgot that if he wanted to know who Ann Reed's best friend or background was, just ask the police to find out, no need to think about it.

Kent opened the file, clearly stating the relationships that Ann Reed had, even those that Ann Reed had only met once, or talked to once were all written inside.

Kent sees his name circled, Kent understands why his name is circled in this file because at first he was the one suspected to be the one most likely to kill Ann Reed.

But then this suspicion was removed because Kent had enough alibi to prove himself clean.

However, not only Kent's name was listed as a suspect, but also Ann Reed's family. Kent thought that was also true because Ann Reed's family members were acting mysteriously, and heard that they had disappeared since the fire, and no one had seen them anymore.

However, Kent omits the family part because the System's mission says that Ann Reed's best friend must be found, which indicates that Ann Reed's family members may be involved but not the main point of Ann's death. Reed.

“Wait! Is this…Doris?” Kent suddenly saw a name circled but then crossed out, meaning he was removed from the suspect list.

Kent read more information and learned that Doris is a girl the same age as Ann Reed, but this relationship only took place since Ann Reed was still living with her parents, to be more precise, when Ann Reed was 16 years old. At the age of 18, Doris also disappeared.

Until now, people only know the whereabouts of Doris in a small town in the north, other than that there is no other information.


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