Chapter 26: Logan's Enemies

Logan motioned for Kent to walk away. They had just entered a small corridor about to step out of the big door of Midnite bar when suddenly Logan turned into a girl with a rather cautious and lovely appearance. From the demeanor to the face, it is far from Logan. This surprise made Kent go from astonishment to horror.

Kent thought that a female demon attacked and took over Logan's body when he was completely weakened after his fight with Papa Midnite. But before Kent could ask, the girl suddenly turned around and stared at him: "This is my own curse... A man has to live two lives when he is greedy and wants to keep peace but still finds the shadow. dark."

“Logan??? Is it you? Are you female now?" Kent rolled his eyes at Logan. And the menacing gaze of the 'girl named Logan' made Kent feel fear. “I am Logini de Midnite,” she said. Logana's sister. We have to live in this state all the time because of… a sacrifice by my father. He offered both of us to the afterlife where the lwas dwell
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