Chapter 14: First Dungeon Raid

As soon as they enter, they were greeted by a sinister breeze. The hunters in front immediately raised their shields and readied their weapons. Dontrelle and Kal also did the same, Dontrelle raised his circular shield the size of a window frame and his sword. Kal stretch the string of his bow and aimed at the pit of darkness. 

"I can see them!" Kal exclaimed staring at the darkness from afar. This was due to the heightened senses he gained from his innate talent so he had an eyes that could see from a kilometer away and he had a night vision that come to that.  

"You see them from this distance? What type of monsters are lurking from the darkness?" The man asked Kal.

"They have a very short stature, they are covered in fur, they look like wolves but their standing on their feets and wear light armor and short swords, I can see some using bows, shields and spears." Kal said as he accurately describe the appearance of the monsters. 

"From your descri
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