Chapter 9


"System 'Eye' data recovered, evacuating Host 0000001 substitute system"

"Formatting System Nerio data"

"Files deleted...10...15…50…100"


Successful operation!

"System Nerio formatted"

‘System ‘Eye’ binding process in 10…30...35..50..99

Not long after that mechanical sounded and that dinging noise inside Gabriele head while Gabriel listened to it silently with, and expressionless, face, as if nothing could have moved his expressionless face despite of the loud noise the inside of his head had.

The endurance of his patient limit was amazingly big towards that mechanical sound while his endurance limit to the people, the living people around him was only 1%.

If Cuzo and the other two guys present in the base knows how he dealt with that mechanical sound, they might turned their eyes at the mechanical sound with hatred and awe, extremely jealous of an object that could not live like a human but could have lived a thousand more centuries that an ordinary or even Heroes could bear to lived.

It is an immortal AI that could live for centuries other than animals that life span can live for a hundred years.

It is really worthy for the humans’ greed especially ordinary citizens or ordinary heroes who dreamed to be like an AI that could get their lifespan much more longer that their humanity original life span is.

The mechanical voice were, not long after, could not be heard anymore, but the missing for only a few hours familiar voice echoed next to his ears quite exaggeratedly the next second Gabriele is still not prepared at having anyone including his system to make any noise after that noisy dinging sound.

Gabriele furrowed the brows inside the smiley mask, the once relax brows ceased causing for half of his outlined cheeks to be distorted and lifted up slightly, but the ice cold dark eyes was lowered as Gabriele opened the once tightly close palm, facing it in front of his eyes and gazes at the Eye and the big mouth that once again appeared at the palm that was unexpectedly become a ‘black hole like a whirlpool wanting to draw some people into it and lock it up to fill the emptiness  it was feeling’  earlier when his system data has crashes and left him for a short period of time.

Well, it really was the feeling Gabriel had for a short amount of time when his system left causing for the poisonous blood thirsty GU in him to constantly urging him to take a thing, as big as size as his width and length to put it at the black hole so it could feel the emptiness he was feeling and suppressing the poisonous blood thirsty GU that was about to break out from his body, surging out without any return.

The information about the poisonous blood thirsty GU instantly pop out with a big and bold characters, of course Gabriele saw it but ignored it as he already saw the blood thirsty GU information in its profile that was contracted to be temporary living on his body but still was living inside him when the contract had already expired.(

Name: Poisonous Bloodthirsty GU

Age: 10 000 years of age

Life Span left: 1 000 000 years

Origin: Underground Sea Water Insects

Species: Poisonous Insects

Positive Effect: Sealed half of the Host power in a half of a half

Negative Effects: Inheriting the bloodthirstiness of the poisonous blood thirsty GU

                                Closing the Five Sense, including the warmth of love

                                              Cold all year around including spring

Rarity: Rare

Place (Usually born): Hidden depilated and nearly haunted apartments bathtubs

Total: 5 Blood Thirsty GU’s


Butterfly Blood Thirsty GU – suck butterfly blood for supplement, will restore energy to 70%, will restore 20% if blood was used as its supplement and can weaken the butterfly Blood Thirsty Gu for a long period of time.

Feather Fan Blood Thirsty GU- used as a medicine for a dying people. A feather pan that only needed to be inserted to the dying people heart so the dying person can be saved.

Sucks a dead body, dead blood as a daily nutrient for its feather, restoring the 50% that was wasted at saving.

Poisonous Blood Thirsty GU – a poisonous GU who wanted the smell of blood on its body, using violence turning into killing.

Mother and GU child Blood Thirsty Gu-  an inspirable mother and child. If the cub of the mother Gu dies, the Host of the mother Gu will suffer the consequences and will kill everyone at his sight to vent and calm the anger of the mother Gu of losing her child, even a loved one of the Host can’t be spared or the Host will feel his heart torn into pieces like what the mother Gu is feeling after the loss of her child.

Plum Blossoms Pink Blood Thirsty Gu – the peaceful one of the 4 poisonous insects but was extremely sensitive to a person who carried a smell of plum blossoms pink scent every day and binding its self to the chosen person and make the chosen person, the Plum Blossoms future Host his nutrient instead of the Plum Blossoms tree who already lack the lustre it had in the Plum Blossoms Pink Blood Thirsty GU eyes.

The energy level is as low as 40% at inhaling plum blossoms scent but emerging with the Host in a plum bosoms scent will restore its full energy at 80%.

[Eager for or marked by the shedding of blood, violence, or killing but was restricted because of the promise contract to the Host that the poisonous blood thirsty GU is currently residing in to supplement its body]

The blood thirstiness Gabriele a while ago disappeared in a flash after system ‘Eye’ once again occupied filling the black hole, letting the blood thirsty GU that was about to burst out after preparing himself, to retract his insect body and gone to where his usual place is with a dejected atmosphere surrounding him.

If System Eye knows that Gabriele only regarded his absence that it was just a ‘short period of time’, he will really cry so hard on the spot that there might be flood of water gushing out from Gabriele palm where System ‘Eye’ is currently located in.

He gazes at his system like an eye motioning its short body, wanting to dance in the air with joy but because was still stuck at his palm, it only limited up his space in expressing the joy he felt now inside his heart.

System ‘Eye’ notices he can’t turned himself into a black mist once again that left him confused for several minutes passed, but then after several minutes have passed, he remembered something when some scenes flash through his data and disappearing ina flash once again but luckily because System Eye was once experience Eye who has guided some AI similar but no so similar to him, he immediately caught that fleeting memory and restored it to his memory data.

Remembering what that old AI, one of his acquaintances told him made him calm down again and just opened the big mouth wide, smiling from eye to eye as he doesn’t have ear so it can’t be say that he was smiling ear to ear.

"Finally I got free!" Gabriele system shouted excitedly as Gabriel felt the Eye and big mouth in his palm that disappeared a while ago when his system data crashes had appeared once again.

The Eye in his palm visibly moved that he twitches his lips again because of feeling ticklish.

"Your back" Gabriele expressionlessly welcomed backs his system inside his head, causing for his system to stop moving in his palm finally and look at him.

System eye froze and look at his Host.

He was silent for a second before baring his big teeth and shouted furiously, but the tone he used clearly had a hint of grievances, aggrieved.

"It is your fault that I got to go to that dark place again!" System Eye cried a little as he continued on to say, "That system in charge of the Headquarters of systems is truly murderous, he even wanted to format me directly and threw me to another planet again to choose another Host for me to manage!" System paused and sniff then continued on, saying in a nasal voice because of crying hard,

“Aren’t you afraid that you be separated from me, and you will be assigned to that substitute system with no experience at all?! as Gabriel system said this, system 'Eye' crying become more intense.

Gabriele thin purse lips twitches at the itchiness he was feeling in his palm, the palm that in which was completely dry and smooth so clean, visibly sweat because of the tears that fall down from system 'Eye' big eyes.

Gabriele lowered his eyes, he opened his palm slightly, lifting it up a little bit so his gaze could look at that tears.

Gabriel icy cold dark eyes visibly condense for the hundredth times or who knows how many times

System eyes lifted up his big eyes to look at his host but was scared frozen after having an eye contact to that terrifying dark eyes that seemed to want to use his hands to directly turn him into ash, erasing him completely from this world. System Eye shuddered instinctively.

System Eye remembered something, then with a stiff mouth,  he look at Gabriele dark eyes that had gathered a lot of disgust that was obviously directed at him as he also gathered a lot of manpower to retract the sweat in Gabriele palm which is his tears.

After finishing and seeing that it was already dry, he look at Gabriele with a more fawning eyes but the disgust in Gabriel eyes continued to increase and the way he look at his system become more intense.

" .." system 'Eye' want to drew out a crying expression once again but for fear that what he thinks may really happen, he held it back perfectly.

Gabriel look away from his system with disgust as he felt retching out.

Thinking that he had a dirty system hiding and living in his palm for a lifetime made his heart, lungs, kidney very uncomfortable.

Lifting up his eyes, he ordered some things to Cuzo who was still waiting for his response.

"Give me disinfectant, cotton, sanitizer or whatever that can be used to clean up my hands, it should all be new and not wrinkled" thinking that maybe the other person that he ordered will not get it, he continued on to say,

"It should all be clean and new. 'Please' use some gloves if you wanted to buy put side or if you get it from who knows where it is placed in here" Gabriele moved the palm that System ‘Eye’ was in and look at Cuzo eagerly with his dark eye for some reason become shiny like a puppy looking at his owner but the gaze that Gabriele used to look at Cuzo and the words that came out from his mouth is so different that Cuzo and Kuro, along with Clone twitches their mouth fiercely.

" ..." Cuzo become silent, as he too look over at Gabriele hot and intense gaze that made the hair on his skin stood up without warning.

It is very creepy if he can say.

Gabriele thought, the three people he ordered unknowingly that the three did not get or did not know where to buy the things he wanted so he continued attentively and suggested but still with that particular cold voice but shining eyes, "But I still suggested you buy outside" finishing, Gabriele moved his own palm a little further, thinking that he was so dirty all ready as time passed by he doesn’t cleaned his dirty palm made him pale his lips and shuddered in disgust.

" ..." the three become silent but Cuzo who came back to his senses after being ordered was slightly furious but did not have courage to do something to ruin the partnership he will build in the future together with this guy.

So Cuzo waved his hand to Kuro and whispered to his servant, passing Gabriele words that unknowingly turned into a command.

Cuzo clearly pass Gabriel order to him to Kuro but Gabriele did not care and just wanted to hurry up cleaning his palm that he already condemned as very dirty.

"Can you hurry up?" Gabriele anxiously make the ordered person hurry up as he let his palm go away from him a little bit but can’t make it go away from him more as it was connected to him.

Kuro who was hurried, " ..." he doesn’t have a choice but to hurry up, entering the portal who appeared in front of him that can make him go in the store directly.

A deadly thought flash past Gabriele head that system Eye who was curious what was happening inside Gabriel head and forcibly break through and caught this deadly thought causing for him to shudder in fear.

System Eye that was said to be living in a dirty place, " ..."

System Eye really got an urge to cry once again but then remembered something.

'But I had a system store, why do my Host really loves on buying inferior product?'  System 'Eye' confusedly asked with invisible snot on his hidden little nose.

System Eye for the third time for today got an urge to cry once again just after he was released by that dark hibernation of recovering his data for a long period of time.

His life was so sad at every time he was still in his Host temporary care.

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