

Ashia looked at Sabrina with her complex expressions.

The war that is underway can always be avoided if they seriously thought about all possibilities.

But their mistress, who is always boring to fight against inferior beings, was suddenly turned into a bloody demoness.

But, Even if she did not understand Sabrina's intentions, she still trusted her; more than herself.

"Lady Ashia, who is this woman?" Yury asked Ashia with a frown.

At this time, they need more reliable allies than as soon as thousands of weak troops. And Ashia, her sisters, and the four elite squads who are under their command; were their elite card in this war! She was frustrated to see a stranger suddenly come and ask their only hope to leave the planet.

But seeing Ashia's behavior towards this woman who looked like an imaginary goddess, she could not afford to show her hostility towards her. Not to mention that the magical energy that emanated from this woman was far beyond what she could call powerful.

She wa
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