Be Serious

"Get to the point, what do you want from someone like me?"

"I just want you to help us solve this problem, I want you to collect the crystal shards, and then give them to me!"

“Why do you want to do it? Wouldn't it be much better if all the crystals were destroyed as quickly as possible, are you up to something?”

"I want to find out why crystals like that can be used in such a terrible way, if in the future something bad happens again of course those who are already living there can handle it!"

“You're a bother, I won't promise anything, but here you have to give me something interesting too! I don't need money, I just want something to make me happier!”

Of course everyone is confused about what Gladio wants, no one will know what the words that come out of Gladio's mouth mean, it is clear that what Gladio wants is probably something that is not easily obtained.

Rebecca swallowed her saliva then said, "What do you want, if money isn't something of value?"

“I want information about Dem
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