100- Mock battles and the Speculation 1

100- Mock battles and the Speculation 1

“Hey, are you also participating in the mock battles?”

I turned towards the speaker and found that it was a little Lamia. I replied to her with a smile,

“Yes, I am.”

At the same time, I used ‘Observation skill’ on her.


‘Low level Demi-Monster stage monster.’

Wow, she sure is talented. Because from the looks of it, she is almost my age.

Hearing my answer, she nodded and replied with an ‘OH’

After that, we did not speak. But maybe she felt awkward and as she was standing next to me and we both were quiet, so to ease up she spoke again,

“I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Julie Lami. What’s yours?”

Since a person has asked a question, it would be rude not to answer, so I told her my name and then we chatted for a few minutes, and soon one of the instructors started calling everyone to come and draw one number each.


Finally, it was my turn and I drew a number and it was – 251

After that,
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