She kicked.

"Are you sure he is meeting with us?"

Lisa asked, staring inquisitively at Jada. There was plea in her face as though she had answered the question in her own mind and wanted Jada to say exactly the same thing.

"He is."

Jada eased her mind.

"How can you be sure though? We all know him, he doesn't stick to his words. He might have pushed you forward."

Tendzel scorned. Jada turned to her in a glare. Not one of the girls didn't catch her reaction. It was strange to see her look at her mate that way. In that context.

"What? Did I tell a lie?"

Tendzel had carried on the argument. When Jada had glared at her, she didn't say a word. That was only a more reason for Tendzel to push further. If it was earlier, Jada would had pushed for it.

"Please don't stress her. We all know what state she is in. And let's not be an ingrate here. If it is not because of her, we won't be standing here having a shot to meet with him."

Mira pointed out.

"That might be true, but then don't you think that som
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